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The Gravity Apple Tree

A genealogical tree of gravitation theories formulated between 1905 and 2015. Gray lines traverse the timeline, emanating from two axes oriented towards the foundational theory of Special Relativity. Within the temporal expanse, experiments and observations find their place. Proponents advocating theories, along with the corresponding publication dates of seminal articles, are highlighted in green. Fundamental principles underpinning each theory are articulated at the core of their respective branches. Primary gravitational theories are distinguished in red, while models elucidating dark matter and dark energy manifest in yellow. Quantum descriptions of gravity are found in blue. Clicking the arrows will link to the corresponding seminal paper.

This arboreal structure encapsulates the historical evolution of gravitational proposals, providing a visual narrative of the interconnected web of ideas, experiments, and visionary minds that have shaped our understanding of gravity over the decades.

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